Kabatas High School, Since 1908
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Kabataş East Asia & World Project for a better and more peaceful world

Slovakian Ambassador to Turkey & Consul-General in Istanbul pay a visit to our school

Commemorative Concert held in memory of all martrys of Turkish nation

Commemorative event for the fallen soldiers of Poland & Turkey in World War I & World War II

President of the Republic of Turkey receives the students & teachers of Deak Ferenc and Kabatas High Schools

Commemorative event in Canada for the fallen soldiers of Canada & Turkey in World War I

Commemorative Concert to be held for the fallen soldiers & people of Turkish nation between 1912 - 1923

Commemorative event for the fallen soldiers of Hungary & Turkey in World War I

Commemoration event with the participation of Consul General of Czechia in Istanbul

Commemoration event for the fallen soldiers of Czechoslovakia & Turkey in World War I

Commemoration ceremony for the fallen soldiers of Canada & Turkey at the Battle of Gallipoli

UN Resident Coordinator in Turkey conducts a seminar regarding the efforts UN for world peace

Consul General of Japan in Istanbul delivers a speech at our school

Ireland Promotion Day, with the participation of Irish Ambassador to Turkey

Perry Trimper, Speaker of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland & Labrador, visits our school

Australian Ambassador to Turkey says 'Wonderful to talk to the talented students of the school'

Exchange Students from Universities and our students meet for a better and more peaceful world

Consul General of Canada in Istanbul at Kabatas High School

Mayor of Shimonoseki & Consul General of Japan in Istanbul at Kabatas High School

“Japan Promotion Day”, with the cooperation of the Consulate General of Japan in Istanbul

Undersecretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea conducts a seminar to our students

University Placement Results of Kabatas High School 2016 Graduates & Notable Alumni

East Asia Summit & Kabatas Model United Nations in 2016




Exchange Students from Universities and our students meet for a better and more peaceful world
Kabatas East Asia & World Project aims to contribute to strengthening the relations not only between Turkey and East Asian countries but also between Turkey and the rest of the world.

More than 130 million people around the world need humanitarian assistance in order to survive. This is why, for the first time in the 70-year history of the United Nations, the 8th Secretary-General of UN Ban Ki-moon (Korean) convened the World Humanitarian Summit on May 23 - 24, 2016 in Istanbul to generate commitments to reduce suffering and deliver better for people around the globe. The Project aims to contribute to the realization of the commitments by taking part in the social responsibility projects of UN, member states of UN and non govermental organisations as well.

Article 15 of the Project about Erasmus & Exchange students in Turkey as follows;

“15. Erasmus & Exchange Programs bestow university students an opportunity to study abroad to broaden their educational and cultural horizons. As the project involves expanding the visions of our students about the world, university students participating in Erasmus & Exchange Programs in Turkey will be invited to Kabatas High School to spend a day with our students. The title of the day will be: " A memorable day at Kabatas High School"

Certificate of Attendance for Kabatas East Asia & World Project will be presented to the participants as well.

We aim to cooperate with the universities conducting Erasmus & Exchange Programs in Turkey to realize that purpose.”

In order to achieve the purpose of article 15, university students participating in Erasmus & Exchange Programs in Turkey are invited to Kabatas High School to spend a day with our students.

The questions stated below are asked to Erasmus & Exchange Students during their visit;

1. Why did you prefer Istanbul for your Erasmus / Exchange Program?

2. Would you please enlighten us about the education system in your country?

3. What are the similarities and differences between your people and Turkish people?

4. Would you please tell us about some funny or interesting memories that you experienced with Turkish people?

5. What should be carried out to live in a better and more peaceful world?

6. Would you please share your ideas with us about how to improve the relations between your country and Turkey?

7. What should be fulfilled to realize the commitments of United Nations World Humanitarian Summit which took place on May 23, 24, 2016 in Istanbul?

Creating a better and more peaceful world lies at the heart of Kabatas East Asia & World Project. Our students are aware of the fact that they have a responsibility to make the world a better place.

Ban Ki-moon, the 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations told the participants of the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) in Istanbul on May 23, 2016: “We are all here because global humanitarian action is unprecedentedly strained. We are here to shape a different future. Today we declare: We are one humanity, with a shared responsibility.”

As a consequence of the discourse, visiting university students and our students resolved to cooperate jointly for a better and more peaceful world and contribute to the realization of the five core responsibilities of the Agenda for Humanity 

Ionnis Ladas, an exchange student at Bosphorus University, expressed his ideas about the Project via sending the following e-mail after paying a visit to school;

“I would like not only to thank you so much for welcoming me in Kabataş East Asia & World Project, but mostly to congratulate you for this great idea.

It was really honour for me to attend the project, and I am really surprised for the high level education of Kabataş High School. Please inform me for any other event, I would love to attend as well.

Thank you so much again,

Ioannis Ladas”

The photo gallery includes some photos taken during the visit of the university students to Kabatas High School.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the participants mentioned below & university officials in Turkey for their contribution to Kabatas East Asia & World Project.

Name/Surname/Country                         Exchange University in Turkey

1. Szu Yao Pan (Taiwan)                       Istanbul University, Department of  Public Relations & Advertising 
2. Chieh-I Kuo  (Taiwan)                        Istanbul University, Department of Political Science & International Relations 
3. Nadine Morath (Germany)                 Turkish - German University, Department of Social Sciences
4. Florian Gontek (Germany)                 Turkish - German University, Department of Political Sciences
5. Minsoo Jeon (Korea)                          Bosphorus University, Department of History
6. Ionnis Ladas (Greece)                        Bosphorus University, Department of Philosophy
7. Jan Dahnal (Czech Republic)            Sabancı University, Department of International Relations
8. Clara Hülskemper (Germany)            Sabancı University, Department of International Relations
9. Joy Göktepe (USA)                             Bosphorus University, Department of Chemistry     
10. David Atef (Germany)                       Istanbul University, Department of Political Sciences
11. Urzula Zdancewicz                           Istanbul University, Internship at Erasmus Office 

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